St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School


After School Clubs


For parents who require wrap around childcare, there is an after school club every day from 3:15pm to 5:15pm Monday to Thursdays and 3:15pm to 4:30pm on Fridays. The charge is £4.50 per day for this service and sessions must be booked in advance with the office team. Failure to collect your child on time will result in a fine of £5 for every 15 minutes. All payments are payable via ParentPay. If you need to set up a ParentPay account for your child, please speak with the office team who will be able to supply you with your unique log in details.

All children must be booked a place for After School Club as we have a limit on numbers and they must attend every day that they are booked in for. Failure to attend will result in you still being charged. You can contact the office team on 01274 727 970 if you no longer require a place.

There are curriculum clubs running after school. The clubs are currently free and work on a first come first served basis. If your child does not receive a place, they will be put on a waiting list. Children who do not attend for 2 sessions will lose their place and it will be given to someone on the waiting list. You will be contacted via email if your child has received a place and/or is on the reserve list for the following half term. Parents will need to complete a form for each half term unless otherwise contacted by the school. 

We hope the clubs on offer will continue to give ALL children an opportunity to learn a new skill or develop one further.

Clubs currently on offer and run from 3:15-4:15pm;

Monday - Dance for Years 1, 2, 3 & 4 - POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Tuesday - Years 1 & 2 Multiskills with Bradford City

Tuesday - Mrs Marshall's Games Club - Years 1-6 (12:15pm - 1:15pm)

Tuesday - Miss Uttley's Football Club - Years 5 & 6

Wednesday - Cheerleading - Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 - this club runs all year round for the same children

Wednesday - Mr Milnes Nurture/Scooter Club

Thursday - Bradford City Football Club for years 3, 4, 5 & 6